Management ich:

BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co.KG
Wilhelm-Schulze-Str. 8-10
D-29549 Bad Bevensen/Germany

Telephone: +49 (0) 5821 9897-0
General managers: Frank Bendel, Knut Bendel

Court of competent jurisdiction:

Lüneburg District Court – HRA 200522

Tax number:

VAT number: DE 255 092 551 WEEE Reg. No. DE 58512437

General partner:

BENDEL GmbH/Bad Bevensen (Headquarters) General Managers: Frank Bendel, Knut Bendel Lüneburg District Court – HRA 200952

 Responsible for content:

BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG Contact person: Frank Bendel

Legal disclaimer:

BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG assembles the content of these webpages with great care and endeavors to keep it up-to-date regularly. However, the information provided should be regarded as non-binding and for general information purposes only. It does not replace detailed individual advice. BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG makes no warranty as to the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information on these pages, nor does it warrant that access will be uninterrupted at all times. In case of links to third-party websites, BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG bears no responsibility for the content of linked sites. Following a link implies that you have chosen to leave the information provided by BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG. Different regulations can therefore apply to third-party information, especially with regard to data protection. Furthermore, BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG accepts no liability for ordinary negligence in the performance of duty with regard to service features, especially during the downloading of files provided by BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG on the webpages of BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG. © Copyright BENDEL Werkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Bevensen, Germany All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, audio, animations and videos as well as their layout on the website are protected under copyright law and other protective laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified or shared with third parties for commercial purposes. Moreover, some of these pages contain images that are protected by third-party copyright.


Concept, design and editing:
Annette Roemer
Helenenstraße 11
22765 Hamburg
Telephone +49 (40) 94777834

Image material copyrights:
